Going back to school is often an exciting time for pupils, getting all dressed up in their new uniform, polishing their new shoes and most importantly (we believe) packing their brand new P.E. kit!
Physical education is one of the most important lessons of the day. Sunshine Gym believe this, as we feel that it doesn’t just get children moving for an hour – but it instils an exercise positive mindset.
Each day children spend a minimum of six hours in a school environment. This is the majority of the daylight hours, especially when we hit the winter months!
Therefore in order to hit the daily recommended exercise amount children need to be engaging in physical activity at school.
Children need at least one hour of physical activity each day. So on top of encouraging participation in P.E lessons, schools should also encourage active play, as well as extra-curricular sports clubs and activities.
At Sunshine Gym, we have a range of outdoor fitness equipment for schools. Our equipment is suitable for pupils from Key Stage One up to Key Stage Four. Making it the perfect way to introduce children to a healthy and active lifestyle.
What are the benefits of exercise for children?
Children benefit greatly from participating in regular physical activity. As previously mentioned, it is recommended that children engage in at least one hour of exercise per day. This helps to ensure that children develop at their expected rate.
By getting regular exercise children will improve both their muscle and bone strength.
This aids in their physical development.
Children need healthy bones to help prevent serious injury. Bones act as a protective structure which prevents damage to major organs such as the brain, heart and lungs.
Children who engage in regular exercise are also less likely to become overweight.
The risk of weight-related illnesses including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be lowered by at least 35%
By participating in regular exercise from a young age you can help to build an appreciation for regular fitness activity. Thus meaning that they are more likely to become active adults, helping to promote a long and healthy life!
The Three Elements of Fitness
The NHS recommends that children demonstrate the three elements of fitness when exercising at school.
These include; endurance, strength and flexibility.
And that is where Sunshine Gym’s specialist outdoor fitness equipment for schools comes in.
1. Endurance
Sunshine Gym’s specialist outdoor fitness equipment for schools, is made with fitness in mind and is specially designed to optimise the workout that users receive.
When it comes to the three elements of fitness, Sunshine Gym has you covered. Endurance is the first and probably most important element of fitness.
This works on the cardiovascular system, therefore improving lung capacity as well as strengthening the heart. By improving the cardiovascular system at a young age you can drastically reduce the risk of heart and lung related issues in later life.
Children can improve their endurance abilities through the use of the Double Health Walker.
This piece of equipment allows you to walk without the painful and potentially damaging impact on the ankle, knee and hip joints that comes with running on hard ground.
2. Strength
The second element of fitness is strength. Please note that strength in this instance does not refer to building muscles, simply strengthening existing ones.
Strength is an important element as it ensures that children have healthy muscles and strong bones.
Hence helping to prevent pupils from sustaining injuries, in addition to reducing the risk of developing bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis.
The Strength Challenger is a great social piece of equipment that can help to develop a child’s strength as well as their communication skills
2. Flexibility
The third and final element is flexibility.
Flexibility is important as it improves mobility in both muscles and joints, children can improve their flexibility through simple exercises such as doing cartwheels or touching their toes!
Sunshine Gym’s outdoor fitness equipment for schools, however, has fun and sociable pieces of equipment which can improve flexibility whilst also improving both strength and endurance too!
The Children’s Waist Twister is one of the best workout pieces when it comes to improving flexibility and can be used by multiple pupils at the same time.
This means that it will also improve a child’s social and communication skills too. Bonus!
Sunshine Gym design and install a vast range of different pieces of outdoor fitness equipment for schools.
They range from Key Stage One & Key Stage Two up to Key Stage Three & Key Stage Four. This means that no matter how young or old the pupil is, they can always benefit from Sunshine Gym’s range of outdoor fitness equipment for schools.
To get your own outdoor fitness area in your school, why not contact one of our trained advisers today for information and free technical advice.
Our equipment is perfect for your Sports Premium Funding, so why not take a look at our dedicated page to find out more information.