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Sunshine Gym meets aims of PE and Sport Premium for primary schools

Sunshine Gym meets aims of PE and Sport Premium for primary schools
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The final total funding allocation payment under the PE and Sport Premium for the current school year should now have been received by primaries.
And with the Government confirming funds for the forthcoming 2022-23 year, schools have the opportunity to make significant high-quality improvements to the physical activities they provide.
Any monies held over from last year due to the coronavirus outbreak must be spent in full by the end of the current  2021-22 academic year, in line with the conditions for the grant.
The premium must be spent by schools on making additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE, physical activity, and sport for the benefit of all primary-aged pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.
At Sunshine Gym, we believe in designing, supplying and installing outdoor gyms which inspire young people to adopt life-long healthy habits.
And because we work in harmony with the Government’s aims, investing in outdoor fitness equipment from us demonstrates a viable commitment to physical education for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils.

PE and Sport Premium indicators

The Government asks schools to evidence how they invest their premium.
It uses five key indicators to judge whether the money has been spent soundly, and for the purposes it was intended.

Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

Under this point, the Government expects schools to invest in improvements which will involve and encourage the least active children as well as those who naturally love sport.
It could be through setting a target such as ensuring every child leaves primary school being able to swim.
But encouraging active play during break times and lunch times, as well as the establishment or extension of after school and holiday sport clubs, also meets this guidance.
With an outdoor gym from Sunshine Gym, all equipment is free to use once installed and so is perfect for use under supervision outside of formal lessons.
An outdoor gym is also an inclusive way to encourage all children to get moving, as the layout of our gyms are purposefully designed to support social interaction.
Our equipment is also very simple and easy to operate, helping to build confidence in every user.

Raising the profile of PE and sport as a tool for whole-school improvement

Again, encouraging physical activity outside of PE lessons is crucial to achieving this key indicator.
As explained in our buyer’s guide for primary schools, an outdoor gym is instantly attractive to young people as our equipment follows the same format as the machines found in indoor gyms.
Being able to ‘go to the gym’, using equipment specially built for them, is hugely popular with children as quite often it is something they associate with their parents or older siblings.
We also believe a Sunshine Gym can inspire leadership or volunteer roles that support the delivery of physical education.
By using a buddy-up system, children can help to time or count reps for their partners who are using the equipment. Playground leaders can encourage activity with their peers.

Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

An outdoor gym opens up a world of possibility when it comes to PE lessons.
Our equipment can be alternated with the types of activities used in circuit training for example, such as skipping or star jumps.
Children can track their progress on a chart if they are set interesting challenges and monitor their achievements through a programme of activity.
Partner work and team activities are also popular, teaching children the importance of fair play and respect as well as good sportsmanship through healthy competition.
Incorporating an outdoor gym into lessons can really expand the horizons of students and staff who will be inspired to come up with new and exciting ways to teach PE.

Broaden the experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils to encourage take-up

As a new addition to your school, a Sunshine Gym will capture the attention of pupils and give them experience of different cardiovascular workouts.
An outdoor gym opens up amenities and choice for students and also brings the possibility of using the facility to hold classes outside of school hours or for wider community use.
Having a range of high-quality equipment installed by Sunshine Gym gives focus to children and motivation to work out with their friends.

Increased participation in competitive sport

Sessions on an outdoor gym can also be used in a reward system or as a staff benefit for teachers.
It can be incorporated into warm ups or cool downs around team events or used in training and performance coaching.
This all supports the active encouragement of pupil participation in games and sports.
And with high-quality equipment from Sunshine Gym, these benefits will be delivered sustainably for years to come.
It could even be that your school wants to expand or build on its existing gym to enhance capacity for growing pupil numbers.

Get in touch with Sunshine Gym

Our advisers can discuss the best way to incorporate a Sunshine Gym into your school grounds, and talk you through the design and installation process.
Get in touch today to find out how to achieve best value from your PE and Sport Premium.