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Why your outdoor gym needs an… Endurance Multi Rig

Why your outdoor gym needs an… Endurance Multi Rig
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Exercising outdoors delivers a wide range of benefits, from improved physical fitness to enhanced mental wellbeing and the opportunity to meet and make friends.
At Sunshine Gym we take pride in offering a full range of outdoor gym equipment that everybody can access and make use of.
The Endurance Multi Rig is part of that offering, providing opportunities for experienced gym users to take their workout outdoors.

The Endurance Multi Rig

Designed for those looking to improve their fitness levels with new challenges, the Endurance Multi Rig adds a new dimension to outdoor gyms.
It is an impressive piece of kit, featuring a vertical ladder and overhead ladder, sit up bench, leg raise station, strength sliders, pull up bars, fitness grips and traverse rings.
It supports movements that will transform the body by building strength and power and is a great tool for those looking to increase the complexity of their workouts for greater gains.

Why choose the Endurance Multi Rig?

Bodyweight exercises are a fantastic foundation to increase mobility and stability.
They are an accessible form of exercise no matter what the fitness level, but while the moves are challenging, it is satisfying for users to chart their progress.
Whether completing one press up or 100, bodyweight exercises are an effective and efficient way to build fitness.
The Sunshine Gym range includes a number of cardiovascular stations, like the Double Health Walker, as well as strength building equipment such as the Combi Pull Down Challenger and Power Push, or Double Squat Push.
The Endurance Multi Rig, like this equipment, mirrors the type of kit that can be found in traditional indoor gyms.
But it offers more dynamic training experiences and keeps workouts interesting for everybody.

Who can use the Endurance Multi Rig?

Like all of our outdoor gym equipment, the Endurance Multi Rig is designed to open up fitness opportunities for everybody.
While the Endurance can be incredibly challenging, it’s also incredibly beneficial for users.
It allows users to combine cardio and strength training for the ultimate workout and the chance to hone and refine technique through controlled actions.
To ensure the Endurance does not appear too daunting, we’ve added a workout board demonstrating some of the moves which the equipment supports.
Everything needed for a multi functional workout can be found in one place with the Endurance.
Whether it is a beginner focusing on one station, or an elite athlete developing lean strength the Endurance offers a varied workout which the individual can tailor to their own needs and ability.
It's fantastic for those looking to switch up their workout as it offers an engaging routine however much time the user has available for their workout.
With more people looking to spend more time outdoors, installing an Endurance Multi Rig provides the perfect opportunity to enjoy the benefits of exercising in the open air.
And as it’s free to access once installed, it removes hefty gym membership costs that might be a barrier to fitness for some people.

Where can the Endurance Multi Rig be installed?

The Endurance is ideal for parks and recreation grounds. It’s fantastic for established outdoor gyms which are already popular as it injects new interest and attracts new audiences.
It also serves a wide variety of users from across the community, particularly those looking for a results-driven workout.
The benefits of the multi-rig are almost limitless, with its design supporting cardiovascular fitness, agility, endurance flexibility, co-ordination and core strength.
This makes it likely to appeal to young people, with high schools, colleges and universities all posing prime locations.
The Endurance Multi Rig can also be installed as a stand-alone piece of kit, offering functional training routines that support the health and fitness of everyone going about their everyday tasks.

What other benefits come with the Endurance Multi Rig?

The Endurance can accommodate up to 17 users at a time. For rigs in parks and schools, the multiple stations open up the opportunity to run fitness classes outdoors.
Functional training encourages users to move in different ways, at different speeds, in multiple directions so the Endurance Multi Rig accommodates exercises for everybody from gentle stretches to challenging pull-ups.
If you think the Endurance Multi Rig is ideal for your outdoor gym, get in touch with our team today.